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Auld Lang Syne
This year is over
And all I have to say is
What the hell was that?
A Visit from ?
‘Twas the night before
Christmas and I’ve hung my socks
In hopes of free stuff
Sinister Snowfall
Let the wonder of
The season wash away all
Homicidal thoughts
Spirit of Giving
With all the joy of
This season, I would like to
Regift this to you
Fa La La La
Time to deck our halls
Instead of decking those that
Have displeased us
Holiday Prep
Step one: untangling
Without muttering swear words
In front of the kids
Practical Parade
Let us celebrate
Another day that I did
Not quit my damn job
Definitely Deserved
I know that I swear
A lot, but to be fair life
Is asking for it
Age Appropriate
It’s probably my
Age that tricks people into
Thinking I’m an adult
Sarcasm Safety
I am sarcastic
Because punching you people
Is frowned upon
Observation of Ignorance
Job knowledge is core
Kissing the boss’s ass
Just cracks the surface
Staying Safe
Every bad thing
That happens today is due to
Getting out of bed
Snarky Smile
If it’s not my mouth
Getting me into trouble
It’s my expression
Human Trouble
I used to be a
People person, but people
Ruined that for me
Running Rationale
Days like this make you
Ask if rabbits can join the
French Foreign Legion
Plea Bargaining
Honesty is the
Best policy. Insanity
Is the best defense
Why don’t you think I
Like you? I don’t, but really
What gave it away
Lost Weekend
Why is Monday so
Far from Friday, but Friday
So close to Monday
Feasting Fiend
Bored Bunny is glad
Thanksgiving is the time that
Gorging is the norm
Idealistic Idiots
Nobody’s filled
With more false hope than those who
Just started jobs here
Socially Acceptable
If what you suggest
Requires fake smiling, then I
Will not be going
Fools Logic
To be a smartass
You must first be smart or else
You are just an ass
Hare Care
Endless bullshit leads
To tearing the hair (or ears)
Right out of the head
I’m not arguing
I am simply explaining
Why I am correct
Matters of Fact
This “having a job”
Holds me way back from living
The best life possible
Here We Go Again
Here’s to another
Day of outward smiling
And inward screaming
Veterans Day
A heartfelt thank you
To the armed forces and those
That have served us
Silence is Golden
Why am I quiet?
If you can’t say something nice
Say nothing at all
Introverts unite!
We’re here. We’re uncomfortable.
We want to go home.
Super Duper Eye Roll
My eyes need to roll
So far back that I gotta
Stand to give them room
Rock the Rabbit Vote
If kindness and decency matter
More than hatred, bigotry, and blather
Then get to the polls
And vote out the trolls
To the wind now they must scatter
Self Examining
I’m a nice rabbit
If I bitch you out, you need
To ask yourself why
Full-Time Fantasy
Often I dream of
This amazing new workplace
Without idiots
The Wisdom of the Beans
It’s way too early
Coffee doesn’t ask questions
Coffee understands
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Under darkened skies
A shapeshifting bunny
Searching for candy
Ebbing Away
First I lost my pen
Next was my stapler, then my
Sanity and dreams
Asking For It
What is wrong with you
It’s like you’re asking me to
Stab you in the throat
I am stuck between
A rock and someone I would
Like to hit with it
Pirate Planning
She really
A treasure, that I want to
Bury her. Alive.
Insomnia Agony
Woke up too early
Brain wouldn’t shut up about
Problems I can’t solve
Patience Rewarded
I’m not listening
I’m just waiting for your lips
To finish moving
Menacing Memories
Looks like another day
Where I’ll need to remind you
I have skill with knives
Insincere Compliments
Thanks for telling me
How to do my job again
It’s really helpful
Musing at Lunchtime
Sometimes it seems like
Everything is soup and
I am just a fork
Indecision Madness
How can we spend hours
Discussing the same button
Make a decision
Routine Punishment
I know I should diet
And exercise, but dying
Just seems easier
Carrot Consideration
This humble carrot
Has more career potential
Than me at this job
Retreating Ringleader
While I admire the
Crazy you bring to the room
It’s not my circus
Truth be Told
You, sir, are an ass
Is what I’d say if I could
But I need my job
Nameste My Way
Seeking inner peace
By meditation or by
Tranquilizer dart
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