Sociopathic Plots

Bored Bunny Sociopathic Plots |
After a week that was relentless
Bunny feels beaten not proud
Never mistake silence for weakness
No one plans a murder out loud

Twisted Fate

Bored Bunny Twisted Fate |
Though it’s tempting to leave it to fate
You’re told it really can’t wait
With their panties in a twist
They yell, cry and, insist
Perhaps it was something they ate

Presentation Skepticism

Bored Bunny Haiku Presentation Skepticism |
Just repeating words
Does not make them extra true
Stop dragging this out

Weight Loss Worry

Bored Bunny Weight Loss Worry |
Measuring middle
It seems to have grown too much
Cut down on carrots?

Bandage Alibi

Bored Bunny Bandage Alibi |
It’s not often that Bored Bunny is late
But on this particular date
When meetings about meetings are planned
Then another to discuss what was canned
So in order to avoid this curse
It’s good to have a friend that’s a nurse

Retreats of a Troubled Mind

Bored Bunny Retreats of a Troubled Mind |
Loudmouth shouts orders
Bunnies can’t take the yelling
Dreaming of hit men

Mind Altering Hanger

Bored Bunny Mind Altering Hanger |

Projects fill lunch hour
Need to eat food.  So hungry!

When Worlds Collide

Bored Bunny Meets Daily_Starbuck |
Bunny out walking
Sees Starbuck play with a ball
Can rabbits own pets?

Afternoons at the Circus

Bored Bunny Haiku Afternoons at the Circus |
There is always one
With no sense of other people
That’s not my monkey


Bored Bunny Haiku Procrasti-bunny-ation |
Do the job tonight?
Do not rush me I’m waiting
For the last minute

Robo Rabbit

Bored Bunny RoboRabbit |
The office is quiet as the morgue
The boss has announced a reorg
It’s all rather silly
To put the staff in a tizzy
He should be replaced with a cyborg

Dance Bunny Dance

When the hold music
Is the best noise of the day
Dance little Bunny

The Cold Hard Truth

Bored Bunny The Cold Hard Truth |
Listening in on
A colleague loudly ranting
Shhhhhhh nobody cares

Office Supply High

Bored Bunny Office Supply High |

Another long day
Somebunny needs a big hug
Oooooh look highlighters

Awww heck no

Bored Bunny Awww heck no |
Aww no, no you don’t
None of your lousy projects
This bunny has rules

Round 'n Round We Go

Bored Bunny Round 'n Round We Go |

Again a lost hour
Around and around they talk
Should’ve been an email

Sunday it Starts

Bored Bunny Sunday it Starts |
Sunday start planning
For the long work week ahead
Why do I do this?

Wise Crackin' Wabbit

Bored Bunny Wise Crackin' Wabbit |
Bored Bunny likes to crack wise
Like that rabbit called Bugs she tries
But no matter the wit
She can't turn for the shit
Albuquerque’s a true state of mind

Lunchtime Murder

Bored Bunny Lunchtime Murder Haiku |

This lunch is feeling
At least a carrot too light
Which one of you dies?