2020 Vision

2020 Vision, bunny drawing, bunny looking at a calendar
How’d we end up here?
Another year over and
I am still not rich

A Whole Lotta Holiday

Just waiting around
For a quick little kiss, meet
Me under the plant

This snowbunny is...
The eyes, ears, the resemblance
It's just uncanny

Hmmm.... I wonder if
Maybe I should have started
Asking about his health

Success! It's all set
And nobody will ever 
Guess what is inside

Well there's just no way
This tiny little stocking
Will hold all my gifts

Aww yeah.

Pointedly Stupid

Pointedly Stupid, bunny drawing, bunny leans against a wall making her point
How’s it okay that 
You’re an idiot, but not  
That I point it out

Mistaken Admiration

Mistaken Admiration, bunny drawing, bunny with her hands up
I do not know why
People keep confusing my 
Wows for compliments  


Composure, bunny drawing, bunny looking up thinking
How does my face look
While inside my head I am
Punching your dumb face

Past Tense

Past Tense, bunny drawing, Bunny with her paw up
There was a time this
Job mattered greatly to me
That ended quickly

Growth Minded

Growth Minded, bunny drawing, bunny stands looking skeptical
I thought I wanted
A career, turns out that I 
Just wanted paychecks

Passing the Buck

Passing the Buck, bunny drawing, bunny stands with arms crossed
I didn’t say that you
Were wrong, I simply said that
I was blaming you


It’s disappointing 
When you arrive at your work
And it isn’t in flames

Verbal Villainy

What are you saying?
And other moments you know
You’re being fucked

Ha ha

Ha ha, bunny drawing
There is a reason
I’m naturally funny...
My life is a joke

Open Policy

Open Policy, bunny drawing
I’ve nothing to hide
But I don’t have anything 
I want share either

Equitable Solution

Equitable Solution, bunny stares you down,
All I know is that
One of us is right and the 
Other one is you

Winning Combination

Winning Combination, drawing of bunny waving while flipping the bird
I am a sweetheart 
And I’m also a smartass
It’s a package deal

Music Marathon

Music Marathon, bunny listening to headphones, drawing
Inside my headphones
Nobody hears how many
Times I hit repeat

Weekend Flurry

Weekend Flurry, bunny dancing a jig
I haven’t been this
Excited about Friday
Since the last Friday

Punative Measures

Punative Measures, bunny crossing arms and looking bored
I just love it when
People think that ignoring me
Is a punishment

System Preference

System Preference, bunny drawing, illustration, humor
I’m not shy. I’m just
Good at figuring out who
Is worth talking to

Flaming Good Fun

Flaming Good Fun, bunny drawing, illustration, humor,
I may be smiling
Because in my mind I can
Picture you on fire

Love Strangle

Love Strangle, bunny drawing, illustration, humor
If you love someone
Let them go, like to the store
To get you some snacks

Task Aversion

Task Aversion, bunny, drawing, illustration, humor
I hope when I die
It’s early morning so I
Don’t go in to work

Thought Less

Thought Less, Bored Bunny, bunny drawing, illustration, humor
Whatever you think
Of me can’t be as bad as
What I think of you

Hidden Expression

Hidden Expression, bunny, drawing, illustration, humor
All the best nicknames
Are the ones the people don’t
Even know they have

Cautionary Expression

Cautionary Expression, bunny drawing, Bored Bunny, illustration
And yet despite the
Look on my face you are still
Speaking words to me

First Anniversary

First Anniversary, bunny drawing, funny, illustration

It’s been a whole year
Of Bunny’s sarcasm and snark
And now it’s cake time

Vive la France

Vive la France, bunny drawing, illustration, humor
I promised myself
I’d do things differently
Hence cursing in French

Lazy Excuse

Lazy Excuse, bunny drawing, illustration, humor
There’s absolutely
No excuse for laziness
But I keep looking

Stark Storage

Stark Storage, bunny drawing
My heart has no room
For you, but my car’s trunk
Definitely does

Buddy Shortfall

Buddy Shortfall, bunny drawing
I don’t have a “squad”
Maybe 2 or 3 people
Don’t want me to die

Sweet Diversion

Sweet Diversion, Easter, Easter Bunny, Easter egg, Easter basket, bunny drawing, illustration
Adorable candy
Will take our minds off of all
Life’s little problems

Hunting Hazard

Hunting Hazard, Easter, Easter Bunny, funny, illustration, bunny drawing,
Was hiding the eggs
Among the poisonous plants
Entirely fair?


Safe!, Easter, Easter bunny, bunny drawing, illustration

Not just at Easter
I will step up to the plate
Candy must survive

Seasonal Worker

Seasonal Worker, Easter, Easter Bunny, Easter basket, bunny drawing, illustration, funny
Egg delivery
Seems odd work for a bunny
But hey, it’s a job

False Friendly

False Friendly, bunny drawing, bunny illustration, funny bunny, humor
I act nice to you
Not because I like you. It’s
Just that I’m not rude

Dream Cursing

Dream Cursing, bunny drawing, illustration, funny, humor, rabbit
Don’t know about you
But people always make me
Want to say bad words

Preemptive Shun

Preemptive Shun, bunny drawing, illustration, humor, funny

Once again I say
Please don’t interrupt me while
I’m ignoring you

Prank Ya Later

Prank Ya Later, bunny drawing, illustration, humor, funny
Let me just say this
April 1st isn’t the only day
That is full of fools

Doesn’t Bother Me

Doesn’t Bother Me, bunny, drawing, illustration, funny, humor
I’m pretty sure you
Don’t like me, but I’m very
Sure that I don’t care

Aggravating Adage

Aggravating Adage, bunny, drawing, illustrtation, funny, humor
The early bird can
Have the worm, worms are gross and
Mornings are stupid