Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans, funny, humor, bored bunny, funny bunny,
At times I think I
Should be more compassionate
But then your mouth starts

Bunny Wisdom

Bunny Wisdom, awkward moments, funny, humor, funny bunny, bored bunny
Life is a series
Of awkward, embarrassing
Moments with little snacks

Party Problems

Party Problems, not coming, bunny drawing, illustration
The trouble is that
I want to be invited
But I’m not coming

Sleepy Start

Sleepy Start, hate getting out of bed, bunny drawing, illustration,
I hate those mornings
I have to get out of bed
And do my real life

Cocoa Loco

Cocoa Loco, Valentine's Day, funny bunny, humor
I’m going to spend
Valentine’s Day with my one
True love - chocolate

Rose Red

Rose Red, Valentine's Day, humor, funny bunny
As a gesture of
My feelings for you, have this
Flower full of thorns  

Candy Coat

Candy Coat, Valentine's Day, funny bunny, humor
Roses aren’t all red
Violets are purple, so
Go with chocolate

Heartbreak Holiday

Heartbreak Holiday, Valentine's Day, funny bunny, humor
Can’t wait to receive
Nothing for Valentine’s Day
Candy on sale soon


Storytime |
Life is just a series
Of obstacles keeping you
From reading your book