Delivery Duty

Delivery Duty, bunny drawing, bunny with Easter basket
I’ve said it before
And, I’ll say it again, but
Hey, it’s a living

Empty Promises

Empty Promises, bunny drawing, bunny and chocolate bunny
Ha! You can’t fool me
Not this time for I know
You’re hollow inside

Modern Memories

Modern Memories, bunny drawing, bunny serving dinner
Break out the bubbly
Set the table and make food
For our dinnertime Zoom

Bunny Basking Basket

Bunny Basking Basket, bunny drawing, bunny in Easter basket
What did you expect
Baskets full of chocolate
Ask to be eaten

Pretty Little Inedibles

Pretty Little Inedibles. bunny drawing, bunny coloring Easter eggs
Color all the eggs 
Hoping the dye doesn’t seep
So nobody eats

Ominous Gardener

Ominous Gardener, bunny drawing, bunny watering daffodils
Grow daffodils grow
I’m glad you’re already blooms
Because I kill plants

Excruciating Extension

Excruciating Extension, bunny drawing, bunny looking frustrated
Guy who thought we should
Extend  this meeting an hour
Keep your pie hole shut

Crowded Conference Room

Crowded Conference Room, bunny drawing, bunny standing by cake

Work birthday parties
Awkwardly standing around
Until you get cake

Fantasy Land

Fantasy Land, bunny drawing, bunny holding snowglobe surrounded by flowers and candy
Fairytales are fine
And full of fun, but really
Isn’t chocolate best?

Picnic Pals

Picnic Pals, bunny drawing, bunnies having picnic at sunset

A sky full of color
Together with food and friend
Who needs to chatter

Bear Benefits

Bear Benefits, bunny drawing, bunny hugging teddy bear
It’s hard to resist
Showing your love to something
That asks so little

Cupid Schmupid

Cupid Schmupid, bunny drawing, bunny Cupid
Love arrow in hand
Bunny has trouble choosing
This’ll be interesting

Pre Sale Treat

Pre Sale Treat, bunny drawing, bunny eating heart shaped box of chocolates
Just this once, Bunny
Bought herself the chocolates
Before the 15th

Thought That Counts

Thought That Counts, bunny drawing, bunny holding flowers
I brought you flowers
Totally not from your garden
That? Was done by dogs

Secret Admirer

Unexpected card
Brings Bunny some distraction 
From mundane work days

Trying to Care

Trying to Care, bunny drawing
Everyday I
Come to work all full of drive
Then people happen

Self Help

Self Help, bunny drawing, bunny sitting at desk
Of course I talk to
Myself, sometimes I really
Need expert advice