Bored Bunny Haiku 31 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Meeting cancelled
Smiles radiate everywhere
Don’t answer the phone


Bored Bunny Haiku 30 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
For love and for hate
I swat a fly and offer it
Into the boss’s cup

a tribute to  Masoaka Shiki


Bored Bunny Haiku 29 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

What makes a meeting
Unbearable to endure
Fuels dreams of escape


Bored Bunny Haiku 28 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
One weekend away
Friends sit close and discuss life
Sanity returns


Bored Bunny Haiku 25 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Gone out for carrots
Supermarket lines are so long
Neighbor’s garden? ... No


Bored Bunny Haiku 24 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Continuing talks
Stupidity ruling them
Need to text a friend


Bored Bunny Haiku 23 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

The sounds of bragging
Choking black fumes through the air
Will someone shout fire


Bored Bunny Haiku 22 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Today she hears the new
Plans for corporate structure
Feudal serfs had it good


Bored Bunny Haiku 21 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Reply All is not
The only option in email
Silence has merit


Bored Bunny Haiku 20 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Sunday night it hits
Sadness and fear for Monday
Must play Lottery


Bored Bunny 19 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
It's hard to speak of new widgets
When you've got a case of the fidgets
Your chair is on wheels
And it's right that you'd feel
The urge to roll off and say screw it


Bored Bunny 18 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
When it comes to covering her eyes
Bored Bunny raises her paws and she sighs
If people weren’t given to gush
About their boyfriends and such
She might not break out in hives


Bored Bunny Haiku 17 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Conference table trash
Lunchtime lost in argument
Somebody farted


Bored Bunny Haiku 16 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Power lost in room
Slideshow has to stop midstream
Footprints by the plug


Bored Bunny Haiku 15 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Full day of training
Worksheet after worksheet done
Don’t hog all the fun


Bored Bunny Haiku 14 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Monday’s quick mood swing
From soothed to disbelief
Who microwaved fish


Bored Bunny 13 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Bored Bunny doesn't want it construed
Her dislike of meetings seem rude
She does love her job
As she says through the sobs
I'm really not here for the food


Bored Bunny 12 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
There was once a very bored bunny
Thought long meetings at work not funny
She thought for a treat
She’d roll up and eat
The meeting agenda with honey


Bored Bunny Haiku 11 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Bored Bunny whispers
Ideas to teammate beside
Chair stands there empty


Bored Bunny Haiku 10 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Out of the deep blue
Changed the expectations
When can we go home


Bored Bunny Haiku 9 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Surprises at work
Be wary of sudden gifts
Magpies like to shine


Bored Bunny Haiku 8 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Every word a knife
To describe the job at hand
When do they need it


Bored Bunny Haiku 7 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Action items ignored
Ideas resisted and disowned
Donuts are a dream


Bored Bunny Haiku 6 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Smiley and Pouty
Giggles and eager to please
Silent texts ensue


Bored Bunny Haiku 5 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Bagels in the room
Scent of onions through the noise
Bored Bunny wants cake


Bored Bunny Haiku 4 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Good coffee powers
The need to seek distraction
Some need sedating


Bored Bunny Haiku 3 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com
Bored Bunny watches
Attention seeking toads cut throats
The boss quietly flirts


Bored Bunny Haiku 2 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Bored Bunny endures
Meetings mind numbing and long
Plants wilt in corners


Bored Bunny Haiku 1 | bored-bunny.blogspot.com

Bored Bunny wonders
If writing haikus to the wind
Makes the hot air go