Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne |
This year is over
And all I have to say is
What the hell was that?

A Visit from ?

A Visit from ? |
‘Twas the night before
Christmas and I’ve hung my socks
In hopes of free stuff

Spirit of Giving

Spirit of Giving |
With all the joy of
This season, I would like to
Regift this to you

Fa La La La

Fa la la la |
Time to deck our halls
Instead of decking those that
Have displeased us

Holiday Prep

Step one: untangling
Without muttering swear words
In front of the kids

Age Appropriate

Age Appropriate |
It’s probably my
Age that tricks people into
Thinking I’m an adult

Staying Safe

Staying Safe |
Every bad thing
That happens today is due to
Getting out of bed

Snarky Smile

Snarky Smile |
If it’s not my mouth
Getting me into trouble
It’s my expression